Saturday, March 21, 2009

Canon 5D MARK II

Yesterday, I received the Canon 5D MARK II that I ordered from B&H Photo, Thursday. This is Canon's new 21 megapixel camera than can shoot both stills and video. Today, I went out and put it through a test run. I plan to shoot it exclusively this week, so check back here often to read my comments about this new camera and to see some of the pictures and videos that I create.

My initial reaction is that this camera is very good at high ISOs. I did a test and it appears to be quite usable up to ISO 2000. The camera will go to ISO 6400 but that appeared too grainy for my uses. This camera is almost as good as my 1dIII at high ISOs. I think the 1dIII may be a bit cleaner at ISO 1600, but not by much. I'll report back with more information as I shoot this camera this week.

I'm going to post a rough video from today's shoot. This video is of Eden Falls. It's unedited and I'm testing it to see how it works on this blog. I plan to post more video this week as I learn how to use this new tool!!!

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